Friday, 5 February 2016

Can You Die From Eating Too Much...

1. salt
2. sugar
3. cinnamon (my note: very probably)
4. food
5. weed (my note: really, google?)
6. pineapple
7. cookie dough
8. wasabi
9. pizza
10. ice


  1. not all of these are correct

  2. Yea theyre not all correct. Im pretty sure they change through time since lots of people use Google. Therefore, amounts of things searched may change throughout time.

  3. Half of these were wrong because the answers change throughout time. The answers in July, 2018 were weed, chicken nuggets, salt, sugar, pizza, food, cheese, chocolate, candy, ice

  4. Hey man! I would really appreciate if you did the "i cheated on my girlfriend with" question because that was hard for me! If you will that would be great -The Dick Head-

  5. People stop being like "Most of them are wrong." The author said that they are not updating it. It would probably take a lot of work to update it every time more people choose to search up 10 things. So I just think it would be nice to stay quiet.

  6. here are the answers i have
    1. chocolate
    2. toothpaste
    3. gum
    4. pasta
    6. pineapple
    7. cheese
    8. salt
    9. bread
    10. sugar
    Enjoy :3

    1. ice is fucking water how could you fucking die
