Tuesday, 27 September 2016

A notice from the author

As many of you have noticed, the answers are not correct any more.

This is because the answers actually change over time, which I did not know when I created this. Apologies.

I seem to be getting a lot of views. I'm assuming that I was either featured in a Youtube video, or lots of people have been searching "google feud answers". I'm pretty high up in the results for that, as shown by my friend who, while playing, searched it up while I was sitting next to her and found this blog.

As you have probably guessed, I'm not even updating this any more. It would take a large team to keep up with the shifting answers.

See ya, I probably won't be on here again. Enjoy the out-of-date answers.

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Saturday, 6 February 2016

When Is A Good Time To...

1. buy a car
2. buy a house
3. get pregnant
4. have a baby
5. take vitamins
6. get married
7. take a pregnancy test
8. rattle for bucks
9. buy a tv
10. go to hawaii

Does Canada Have...

1. a queen
2. an army
3. states
4. a president
5. thanksgiving
6. uber
7. nuclear weapons
8. black friday
9. welfare
10. a constitution

Why Do Men...

1. have nipples
2. cheat
3. lie
4. go bald
5. have facial hair
6. beat women
7. pull away
8. have affairs
9. snore
10. lose hair

How Old Do I Have To Be To Work At...

1. kroger
2. walmart
3. rite aid
4. subway
5. target
6. cvs
7. walgreens
8. taco bell
9. best buy
10. gamestop

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a...

1. star (my note: i want to buy a star tbh)
2. house
3. horse
4. tiger
5. puppy
6. mcdonalds
7. billboard
8. shipping container
9. domain name
10. house in michigan

Friday, 5 February 2016

Can You Die From Eating Too Much...

1. salt
2. sugar
3. cinnamon (my note: very probably)
4. food
5. weed (my note: really, google?)
6. pineapple
7. cookie dough
8. wasabi
9. pizza
10. ice

Should I Go To...

1. law school
2. college
3. bed
4. homecoming
5. grad school
6. the er
7. class
8. medical school
9. the hospital
10. the doctor

Why Does My Arm...

1. hurt
2. go numb
3. twitch
4. fall asleep
5. hurt after a shot
6. tingle
7. hurt after flu shot
8. hurt when i sneeze
9. feel weak
10. go numb when i sleep

What is the Best Kind of...

1. weed (my note: why is this the top search???)
2. dog
3. christmas tree
4. steak
5. water to drink
6. mattress
7. milk to drink
8. cookware
9. tv
10. coconut oil

Is Duct Tape Safe For...

1. wires
2. hermit crabs
3. birds
4. hamsters
5. dryer vents
6. walls
7. aquariums
8. dogs
9. rabbits
10. fish